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Reportable Conduct Scheme

The ACT Reportable Conduct Scheme is an employment based child protection measure designed to ensure that allegations and convictions against employees, related to abuse and misconduct against children, are identified and acted on appropriately. The Scheme was developed in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses into Child Sexual Abuse and mirrors the NSW system, which has proven to be an effective and successful model.

The ACT Education Directorate is considered a ‘designated entity’ under the scheme and as such is required to report allegations, offences or convictions relating to child abuse or child-related misconduct by an employee, to the ACT Ombudsman. For the purposes of the scheme, a child is classified as a person under 18 years old.

For more information on the Reportable Conduct Scheme, including what constitutes reportable conduct, which organisations are classified as designated entities and individuals who are considered employees under the scheme, please see the ACT Ombudsman’s website.

Contacting the Directorate about a Reportable Conduct Matter

To notify the Directorate of a reportable conduct matter or request reportable conduct information, please complete the Education Directorate Contact Form or phone Employee Relations on 6205 9149.