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Risk Management and Audit

ACT Government audit of combustible cladding

In 2017 the ACT Government commenced an audit of government owned buildings for cladding materials consisting of either Aluminium Composite Panels (ACP) or Expanded Polystyrene (EPS).

Both of these cladding types are combustible and, in the case of a fire, can increase the likelihood of a fire spreading more quickly.

The audit was conducted by a team from the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) who undertook visual assessments of government owned buildings and found that some buildings may have combustible ACP or EPS, including a number of ACT public schools.

Experts from EPSDD have assessed that all of these buildings are safe to occupy.

The safety of our students and staff is paramount and therefore, all identified schools will be prioritised for detailed assessments and mitigation actions.

More information about Aluminium Composite Panels (ACP) or Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is in the fact sheets below:

If you would like more information about your school, please speak to the principal.

Work Health and Safety – Response to Occupational Violence in the Workplace

Since late 2016, the Education Directorate has significantly increased its focus on the risk management of, and response to, occupational violence (OV) in the workplace.

The Caple Review commenced in January 2017 and the report was provided to the Directorate in April 2017. The Caple Review made four recommendations together with details of actions that could be implemented to address each recommendation. These recommendations have been considered and more broadly addressed through the development and publication of the Directorate’s Occupational Violence Policy and Management Plan which were launched in July 2017.

On 28 September 2018, the Education Directorate entered into an Enforceable Undertaking with WorkSafe ACT, on behalf of the Territory. The Strategy 1 of the Undertaking includes a range of actions and initiatives that will result in the full implementation of the Occupational Violence Policy and Management Plan.

A copy of the undertaking is below.

Enforceable Undertaking (366kb)

Occupational Violence – ACT Education National Forum

On Thursday 21 March 2019, the ACT Education Directorate hosted a national forum to address the issue of occupational violence in schools.

The purpose of the forum was to share work safety learnings across jurisdictions and collectively identify best practice strategies for supporting safe and inclusive school communities for our staff and students.

Occupational Violence – ACT Education National Forum

Internal Audit and Risk Management

Internal Audit

Internal Audit is responsible for planning and delivering the Directorate’s annual Audit & Assurance program, monitoring the Directorate’s compliance and governance controls and coordination of audit sponsors, auditees and audit providers. It also undertakes reviews and investigations as requested by the Senior Executive Responsible for Business Integrity Risk (SERBIR), Executive Governance Committee (EGC) and the Audit Committee.

The Directorate’s Internal Audit function is managed by the Chief Internal Auditor within the Governance and Community Liaison branch. The Directorate’s Senior Executive and the Audit Committee receive regular audit reports, providing an overview of significant risks, mitigation strategies, responsibilities and an oversight on the implementation of audit recommendations.

Risk Management

The Directorate’s risk management functions are managed by the Senior Director Risk, Security and Emergency Management within the Governance and Community Liaison branch. The Directorate’s Senior Executive and the Audit Committee receive regular risk management reports, providing an overview of significant risks, mitigation strategies, responsibilities and an oversight on the implementation of the risk management system.


The Directorate’s risk management framework is based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management – principles and guidelines. Risks are identified and mitigated through the Directorate’s internal governance control structure managed within the Governance and Community Liaison and Strategic Finance and Procurement branches, which includes:

  • Risk Management Framework;
  • Strategic Risk Profile;
  • School compliance reporting;
  • Fraud & Corruption, Prevention & Response Plan 2019-2020;
  • Audit & Assurance program;
  • Detailed financial policies and controls, such as the Director-General’s Financial Instructions and the School Management Manual; and
  • Detailed financial operating procedures and practices.