Enrolments now open
Enrol here for the 2025 school year.
Questions? Call the Enrolment Helpline on 02 6205 5429
Guaranteed place at your local school
Every ACT child or young person from kindergarten to year 12 is guaranteed a place at their local public school, determined by Priority Enrolment Area. To enrol in your local public school, complete an online enrolment form using your current residential address.
Compulsory education age requirements
Under the Education Act 2004, it is compulsory for every child living in the ACT to be enrolled in and attending school (or registered for home education) from the age of six, and until the child completes year 12 or turns 17, whichever happens first.
If you wish to delay full-time enrolment for a child of compulsory education age, you will need to apply for an exemption.
Any new application submitted for the same student in the same year will override all earlier applications and current offers.
Early entry to kindergarten is offered to eligible families in the following categories:
- Early Entry for Gifted and Talented Children
Early Entry for Gifted and Talented Children(72kb)
- Early Entry for Mobility
Early Entry for Mobility(67kb)
Applications for Early Entry for Gifted and Talented Children and Early Entry for Mobility are submitted to the Education Directorate for approval at EDU.Consultation@act.gov.au. Approved applications are provided with an Early Entry (EE) number for completing the online enrolment form.
Please contact EDU.Consultation@act.gov.au or 6207 1106 for further information about Early Entry.
Demand for public education in the ACT continues to grow. You may apply to enrol your child or young person at a school outside your local Priority Enrolment Area (referred to as an out of area enrolment application), but there is no guarantee that your application will be successful. All schools must consider applications against the out of area enrolment criteria.
If you are seeking to enrol your child in an out of area school, you will be asked to address out of area criteria when completing the Online Enrolment Form. Out of area enrolment criteria depends on the school category. ACT public schools are described as either Category A or Category B schools.
Category A Schools
Category A Schools are generally not able to accept students from outside their Priority Enrolment Area (PEA) due to significant in-PEA demand, both now and in the near future.
Category A schools will only consider applications from out of area students against the following criteria, in the order of priority indicated. When completing the online enrolment form, you will be asked to provide a reason for your out of area application. Please refer to these criteria:
- There are legal considerations, including where a Court Order states that a child or young person must attend a specific school (all schools, not subject to capacity);
- There are individual circumstances, based on student wellbeing, which mean a child or young person cannot attend their Priority Enrolment Area school, and must attend the Out of Area school to which they have applied1 (all schools, not subject to capacity);
- The child lives in the ACT and has a sibling2 who will be attending the out of area school at the same time (all schools, subject to capacity);
Category B Schools
Category B Schools consider out of area applications under the out of area enrolment criteria as they have more capacity to accept out of area enrolments (than Category A schools). Category B schools consider applications from out of area students against the criteria below, in the order of priority indicated. When completing the Online Enrolment Form, you will be asked to provide a reason for your out of area application. Please refer to these criteria:
- There are legal considerations, including where a Court Order states that a child or young person must attend a specific school (all schools, not subject to capacity);
- There are individual circumstances, based on student wellbeing, which mean a child or young person cannot attend their Priority Enrolment Area school, and must attend the out of area school to which they have applied1 (all schools, not subject to capacity);
- The child lives in the ACT and has a sibling2 who will be attending the out of area school at the same time (all schools, subject to capacity);
Subject to capacity, Category B schools will also consider out of area applications on the following criteria, in the order of priority indicated:
- The student is an ACT resident seeking to access a curriculum choice(s) not available at their PEA school (Category B High Schools and Colleges only. High School curriculum choice for languages only, subject to capacity);
- The child lives in a Priority Enrolment Area in Gungahlin3 (Category B schools only, subject to capacity);
- The child lives in NSW and has a sibling2 who will be attending the non-NSW Pathway School at the same time (Category B schools only, subject to capacity).
1 Where there are reasons why a child cannot attend their Priority Enrolment Area school, but they could attend a different out of area school, the Directorate will help the applicant find an alternative school. Contact the Enrolments Helpline: (02) 6205 5429
2 “Sibling” includes fostered siblings, adopted siblings, stepsiblings and half-siblings, as well as kinship care arrangements and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kinship relationships
3 Please note that Gungahlin resident students are all guaranteed a place in their local school if that is their school of choice.
A small number of schools with special curricula are open to all ACT students. Applications at special curriculum schools are assessed against specific criteria and subject to capacity. Where an applicant meets the criteria but is unable to be offered a place for capacity reasons, that applicant is guaranteed a place at their Priority Enrolment Area kindergarten to year 12 school.
Specialist language settings:
- Mawson Primary School
(kindergarten to year 6 – Mandarin): This school will accept out of area enrolments for the bilingual program up to a cap, but for all other purposes, will be a Category A school.
- Telopea Park School
(kindergarten to year 6 – French). This school operates a bilingual French program with funding provided by the Australian and French governments. It can accept enrolments from applicants who live in the ACT and meet the program criteria to a high standard, subject to capacity.
- Telopea Park School (year 7 to 10 – French). This school can accept out of area enrolments from ACT residents for the bilingual program who meet the program criteria, subject to capacity.
- Yarralumla Primary School
(kindergarten to year 6 – Italian): This school will accept out of area enrolments for the bilingual program up to a cap, but for all other purposes will be a Category A school.
Students with an interest in studying in one of these programs should identify this as a preference on their enrolment form.
Students who meet eligibility criteria for these schools will be accepted into the program, subject to capacity.
For further details of these programs please contact the schools directly. You can find further information at the Enrolling in kindergarten to year 12 Frequently Asked Questions below.
Further information is available at Enrolling in an Early Childhood School (preschool to year 2).
For information about enrolling in a Specialist School please see the enrolling in a Specialist School page.
Find out more about how ACT public schools meet the needs of students with disability.
Jervis Bay School is a small preschool to year 6 school in Booderee National Park located on the outskirts of the HMAS Creswell Naval College Grounds. It has a close connection to Wreck Bay and Jervis Bay Village communities. The ACT Education Directorate provides its education program.
Enrolment applications to Jervis Bay School will be prioritised against the Jervis Bay School Enrolment Guidelines (208kb).
Jervis Bay School can be contacted on 02 4442 1002 or by email: info@jbs.act.edu.au
Submit enrolment applications to Jervis Bay School using the Online Enrolment Form .
Frequently asked questions
How will I know if my child has been accepted for the 2025 school year? | You will receive a Letter of Offer for your child by email from your school. Enrolment applications made between 30 April 2024 and 7 June 2024 will receive an offer from 29 July 2024. Applications made after 7 June will receive their offers later in the year. To check on the status of your application, please call the school you applied to. |
Why did I receive an offer from my local school, even though I applied outside my Priority Enrolment Area? | For ACT residents, if your preferred out of area school is unable to offer a place, your kindergarten to year 12 application will be forwarded to your Priority Enrolment Area school. If you are not satisfied with an enrolment decision you can request a Review of the decision. More information is available on our Review and Appeal process page. |
I live in a Shared Zone. What does that mean? | For more information on Priority Enrolment Area Shared Zones please see: Find my local school - Education (act.gov.au) |
Why is proof of residential address required when I enrol my child? | You are guaranteed enrolment at a school if you live in a school's Priority Enrolment Area and your residential address within the PEA can be confirmed by the school. If you are enrolling out of your Priority Enrolment Area, the school needs to confirm ACT or NSW residency to determine which criteria apply. The Directorate has implemented a points-based verification process for Proof of Residential Address. More information is available on the Accepting your offer page. |
Who can I call to confirm that my application has been received? | You should have received an email notification from Access Canberra when you submitted the Online Enrolment Form. If you have not received confirmation, please contact the school you applied to. |
What should I do if I submit an application that contains errors? | Please contact the school to which you applied. You may be asked to submit a new form. |
Can I submit an application to more than one school? | Each student can have only one active enrolment application at any time. Any new application submitted for the same student will override all earlier applications and offers. |
I am moving to Canberra. How do I know which school my children should go to? | Once you reside in the ACT or the immediate surrounding NSW region, you can submit an Online Enrolment Form Applications from overseas or interstate (beyond the immediate NSW region) cannot be processed. |
Our family is going overseas. Can a current enrolment be deferred until we return? | Students who leave the school for an extended period of up to 12 months (for e.g. interstate/overseas travel) can apply to their school for a leave of absence. Students who will be away for more than 12 months can submit a new application on returning, which can be assessed under enrolment criteria (or entry requirements for Specialist Schools). Regardless of when you enrol, your child is guaranteed a place at their local school in their Priority Enrolment Area. |
My child attends an Early Childhood School. Will they be guaranteed a place at the primary school adjacent to the Early Childhood School even though we live outside the school’s PEA? | No. Your child is only guaranteed a place at your local school, as determined by your Priority Enrolment Area. Early Childhood Schools do not have a PEA. |
As a teacher, do I get special consideration to enrol my children at the school where I work? | No, your child is only guaranteed a place at your local PEA school. |
Can a Defence or Diplomatic family enrol out of area? | Your child’s application will be assessed under enrolment criteria. For further information go to Enrolling in kindergarten to year 12. |
Does a Defence or Diplomatic family have higher priority for specialist bilingual programs? | No. Your child’s application will be assessed and ranked using the criteria. For further information refer to the school website and to the information under ‘Specialist language settings’ on the Education Directorate website. |
What should I do to ensure my PEA school can meet the needs of my child? | ACT public schools aim to create a positive school culture and environment, to help all children and young people feel safe, connected and respected, achieve success and be fully engaged in their learning. If you still have questions, talk to your local school principal first. If your principal is unable to answer your questions, they will put you in touch with the relevant area of the Education Support Office. |
What if my child doesn’t live with me or only lives with me part of the time? | Your child’s local school is determined by your child’s usual place of residence. If your child spends time between households, then they can apply using either address, unless there are court orders to the contrary. |
What if the other parent doesn’t consent to the application? | Should there be disagreement between parents/carers about an ACT public school application, it is a matter for the parents/carers to resolve. If the child is already enrolled at an ACT school, then the child will be required to stay at that school until the school is directed otherwise by agreement of both parents, or through a legal document such as a Court Order. |
My child is attending preschool this year. Do I have to submit an online enrolment application for them to attend kindergarten next year? | Preschoolers will be automatically enrolled into kindergarten for the following year where they attend preschool at their local Priority Enrolment Area (PEA) primary school or an Early Childhood School. Students attending preschool outside their Priority Enrolment Area (PEA) will need to submit a new enrolment application for kindergarten in the following year, which will be assessed under enrolment criteria. Please check with your current school if you are unsure what to do. Regardless of where you attend preschool, you are guaranteed a Kindergarten place at your PEA school. |
My residence is not within a PEA. Can I enrol my children at an ACT public school? | Residents of rural areas in the ACT have priority for enrolment at the public school closest to the residence by road. If you wish to enrol at a different school, you should contact the principal to enquire about an out-of-area enrolment. NSW families wishing to enrol in a Canberra public school will be offered a place at selected schools in Belconnen and Tuggeranong. For more information refer to NSW students enrolling in ACT Public Schools. |
I have a child already attending Telopea Park kindergarten to year 6. Does this mean my child’s siblings will automatically be enrolled? | No. Instead of a Priority Enrolment Area, this school assesses enrolment applications for its French stream against specific criteria. There is no obligation for Telopea Park School kindergarten to year 6 to accept siblings that do not meet the program specific criteria to a high standard. Sibling applicants who do meet the criteria to a high standard are subject to the school’s Waiting List process if the program is at capacity at the time of application. Where two or more applications are equally ranked but there is not sufficient capacity, these applications will be prioritised as follows:
I have a child already attending Telopea Park School (years 7-10) but I live out of area. Does this mean my child’s siblings will automatically be enrolled? | No. Enrolments to Telopea Park School years 7-10 English Stream are subject to capacity. If the applicant has an ACT-resident sibling attending the high school they can apply to the school under criterion 3. The school will send a Letter of Offer if there is capacity at the time of the application. Students applying to the school on this criterion will not be admitted to the French stream unless they independently meet the program criteria and there is available capacity. |
I moved house since submitting an application and now live in a different PEA. Do I need to submit another Online Enrolment Form? | Yes, you should submit a new Online Enrolment Form for your PEA school or alternatively submit an out of area application for your preferred school which will then assessed under the common enrolment criteria. Applications which do not meet the PEA residential documentation requirements or other enrolment criteria may be declined. |
I have a child attending a high school/senior campus. Can I enrol my primary school aged child in the same school under Out of Area Criterion 3: ACT resident siblings of concurrently enrolled students? | In most ACT public schools your primary-aged child will be prioritised under the concurrent sibling criterion based on their senior-school sibling’s enrolment. Due to continuing high demand for places from in-area applicants in Gungahlin, Criterion 3 ‘sibling rule’ does not apply for out of area junior school students (p-6) who have concurrent siblings at the senior school (7-10) at Harrison, Gold Creek or Amaroo Schools. |
My child has been offered a place at a preschool that is not at our PEA primary school. Can I now enrol my primary school aged child at the same school based on the OOAACT-resident siblings of students concurrently enrolled criteria? | No. Preschools do not have a PEA and instead are allocated against enrolment criteria. Should a preschool place be offered at a preschool that is not also their PEA primary school for kindergarten, the sibling rule does not apply for families then seeking to enrol older siblings. |
How are individual circumstances related to student wellbeing considered for out of area applications? | Enrolment decisions where there are individual circumstances related to student wellbeing will be informed by the following:
The principal’s decision is guided by these questions, and considered alongside evidence provided by the applicant. Where a student’s needs can be met at their PEA school, their application will be declined by the preferred school. Parents then have the option to seek an enrolment Review of this decision. |
Can I apply to enrol my child at an out of area school on the grounds they want to continue on with their current school cohort? | Schools no longer consider out of area applications from students seeking to continue with their current school cohort, except in specific and rare individual circumstances related to student wellbeing, as per the out of area enrolment criteria. |
Have the enrolment criteria changed recently? | The Directorate reviews enrolment criteria regularly to ensure policy settings continue to meet the needs of the community, as well as to manage enrolment demand and school capacity. From April 2023 two enrolment criteria were discontinued to better support schools to achieve this balance. These were:
All ACT public schools are great schools and your local school can meet the needs of all children and young people in its Priority Enrolment Area. |