National Careers Institute
The National Careers Institute supports people of all ages and stages. Particular support is available for school leavers who have been impacted this year by COVID-19 at School Leavers Support
We encourage you to visit the website National Careers Institute that helps school leavers connect to further education, training or employment options, including help with life after school.
Australian Apprenticeships Support Network
Apprenticeship Network providers provide advice for people wanting to take up an Australian Apprenticeship career path and for employers seeking to hire Australian Apprentices.
The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network is your first point of contact for all queries about apprenticeships.
You cannot start an Australian Apprenticeship without an Apprenticeship Network provider.
Apprenticeship Network providers give personalised advice and support services from pre-commencement to completion.
For more information visit the ACT’s Apprenticeship Network Provider at
Apprentice Employment Network
Some organisations hire apprentices and trainees and place them with host employers. These organisations are called Group Training Organisations. They operate across Australia with some specialising in particular industries, while others cover many.
Group Training Organisations complete employer duties, which include:
- selecting and recruiting apprentices and trainees
- paying wages, allowances, superannuation, workers compensation, sick/holiday pay and other employment benefits
- managing the quality and continuity of training, both on and off the job
- providing any care and support the apprentices needs to complete their training.
You can search for registered Group Training Organisations by visiting the Australian Apprenticeships website
The Apprentice Employment Network NSW and ACT also provides information on their members on the Apprentice Employee Network website