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Home Learning: Resources for Students and Families

The Home Learning: Resources for Students and Families online portal has been developed to support parents and children learning from home. This online learning resource library is user friendly and suitable for students of all ages with a wide variety of engaging lessons, activities, podcasts, video links and family guides.

The portal is divided into three components:

The resource library provides a range of resources, lessons as well as activity ideas that support students in their learning.

Family guides
The family guides support parents to manage their child or young person's learning, and to stay healthy, safe, and connected whilst doing so.

Get involved
Get involved provides an opportunity for students to get involved in various system wide initiatives such as the Education Directorate's home learning challenge or limelight online.

We encourage you to check back in regularly for new materials for your child or young person to engage with.

Home Learning: Resources for Students and Families